We provide necessary tools for those whose voices are regularly dismissed, to confidently live out their Rights and Responsibilities as active citizens. We work in solidarity with “the option for the poor” by creating access to information and training that allows us to be actively engaged in our local government and community.
Join our mission and become a member today!
Our Team
Kate Marshall - Director
Kate Marshall is the Director of UPLIFT West Virginia. Kate also serves as the founder and Executive Director of HoH Share Inc, a non-profit to give voice to the underrepresented and provide resources to the underserved communities of Wheeling, West Virginia. HoH-Share Inc. was founded after realizing there frequently is a disconnect between social services and the people who needed them, often because the whole-picture realities of the poor are frequently misunderstood.
Her work specializes in advocacy working with those experiencing homelessness, recovery, poverty, judicially impacted peoples, as well as many other social justice issues. HoH Share Inc. is known for its unique and innovative programs that have risen out of the minds and hearts of the people who needed them. These projects are headquartered at The Mother Jones Center for Resilient Community and include UPLIFT West Virginia, Mustard Seed Mountain Media, Art-Share, Street Moms, and Trash Talkers. In 2012, Kate Marshall founded the House of Hagar Catholic Worker to provide meaningful relationships and the deeply held belief that true healing comes through dignity and shared community platforms.
Rebecca Hedrick - Assistant Director
Becki Hedrick, assistant director of UPLIFT WV, is committed to finding ways to help lift people out of poverty to help create a healthier, more resilient community. By listening to people affected by poverty, the issues that create barriers keeping people there can be identified, problem-solved together, and changed by equipping community members to become leaders in creating that change.
Becki began volunteering for HoH-Share, Inc., UPLIFT WV’s overseeing non-profit organization, after becoming unemployed in 2019. While considering next career steps she aimed to pursue work through which she could live out her faith by serving people. HoH-Share’s non-traditional approach to caring for people experiencing poverty and homelessness drew Becki to join its mission to help people in poverty and work on bringing solutions to poverty-related issues.
She served two and a half terms as an AmeriCorps VISTA, assisting in creating infrastructure to the organization and its programs. She participated in the establishing of the Mother Jones Center for Resilient Community where UPLIFT WV was born and is headquartered with other HoH-Share projects.
Becki started an RN before leaving the workforce to raise her four (now adult) children. After returning to the workforce she served as an in-home caregiver. Becki is a worship leader, singer/songwriter, and recording artist, and served as a musical entertainer for residents in area nursing homes. She is happily married to the love of her life, Scott, for 35 years. And she is hopeful that many positive changes are ahead through her work with UPLIFT WV.
Betsy Jividen - Project Coordinator
Betsy Steinfeld Jividen became the first Board President of HoH-Share, Inc. at the time of its creation in 2016. As a former Assistant United States Attorney in the Northern District of West Virginia, where she spent 37 years and held several leadership positions, she also served as the Reentry Coordinator. In this capacity she worked with prisoners, reentering individuals and their families, correctional staff, law enforcement, advocates, and probation officers - both inside facilities and outside in our communities - assisting with projects and programs aimed at making successful reentry a reality and engaging community members in sustained reentry endeavors.
It was her commitment to reentry that led her to accept the appointment as Commissioner for the West Virginia Division of Corrections and Rehabilitation, where she served nearly five years until August of 2022. As a program facilitator for UPLIFT WV, she is involved with our prison art initiatives as well as reentry programming. On behalf of UPLIFT WV, she continues to collaborate with the United States Attorney’s Office and a team of formerly incarcerated volunteers to present reentry simulations and training to educators, students, religious groups, law enforcement, prisoners and prison staff, and service providers throughout the state and region. Betsy has served on the boards of the YWCA WIND program, HOH-Share, and the REACH Initiative. She is a reading tutor for Edge Fearless Learning and an Adjunct Professor at the Police Academy at Fairmont State University. She was also instrumental in developing the first federal Drug Court program for the Northern District of West Virginia. Betsy is excited to be home again in Wheeling and wants to continue dedicating her time and energy to work that promotes successful reentry, tolerance, and community healing. Betsy is pictured here with her Tails of Hope ambassador, Iris, who lives with her friends and handlers in the dog unit at Mt Olive Correctional Center, in a portrait sketched by an incarcerated artist.
Ryan Ewing - Reentry Policy Advocate Team Lead/Curation Team Lead
Ryan is a policy advocate for UPLIFT West Virginia. Ryan specializes in the fields of reentry, homelessness, and recovery. Ryan uses his lived experiences to advocate for people experiencing these challenges in his community. Ryan regularly participates in various UPLIFT WV events such as listening sessions, tabling events, and helps create leaders in the Wheeling area. Ryan is also a lead curator and virtual docent for the Inside—>Out: Incarnation Exhibit which aims to create community conversations, training and action to support those reentering society after incarceration.
Chad Wayt - Homelessness and Housing Advocate Team Lead
Chad is certified peer recovery coach and homeless out-reach worker in Wheeling, West Virginia. Chad has a firm belief that unity is the wrench to fix our social woes. Chad intends to use his combined lived and working experience in homelessness and substance ab(use) to work with leaders of all levels to assist in understanding and overcoming barriers to sustainable housing solutions.
Connor Morrison - Storytelling Team Lead
Connor Morrison is a writer and a transplant to West Virginia who takes his residency in Appalachia seriously. Connor is committed to helping others find their voice and tell their stories through listening sessions, writing, music or helping curate "Inside--->OUT:incARceraTion.” He works very closely accompanying our community members experiencing homelessness and/or recovery. Connor is a frequent contributor in Mustard Seed Mountain Street Paper.
Heather Clark - Recovery Advocate Team Lead
Heather Clark is a Recovery Advocate with Uplift WV. She is also a peer recovery coach who specializes in recovery. Heather has a passion for helping folks find recovery and also helping folks maintain it. She takes great pride in being a mentor and helping to provide support to families affected by addiction. She also used her lived experience to people who are reentering society from incarceration.
Adam Giglio -Audio Visual Media Team Lead
UPLIFT WV is a project of HoH-Share Inc.
Who is HoH Share Inc?
HoH Share, Inc. seeks to creatively meet the needs of the poor and marginalized through the Corporal and Spiritual Works of Mercy and The 7 Catholic Social Teachings, in partnership with the Catholic Worker Houses of the Northern Panhandle of WV, and community members experiencing or working with those in poverty.
We invest in innovative, people driven projects that have unique approaches to giving Voice, Validity and Dignity to the marginalized.